“Nothing brings as much suffering as having an untold story inside you.”

The Service

Getting to know you
After receiving your initial email to book a recording, we will reach out to you and any family and loved ones that might provide some direction as to the stories you’d like to have captured. We’re telling the stories you and your loved ones most want to share and keep.
Recording Session
We believe that this process — at its best and most fruitful — should be directed and led by you. Our approach is geared toward reinforcing that aim by cultivating the most safe, sanitary, comfortable & least self-conscious environment possible.
Editing and Delivery
The end product will be produced, edited and separated into easily navigable chapters. The final keepsake will then arrive in unique handcrafted packaging in both an easily accessible and playable format (digital and physical) dictated by the client.
This recording is yours and yours alone, to do with as you wish, and share at your discretion with those dear to you, and for whom it will have greatest significance.

“Recording them made me think about the stories I didn’t think to share with my sons. The times I didn’t win the talent competition or kiss the boy. And wouldn’t you know it, those are the ones my boys listened to the most and asked about afterwards.”


Story Session $895
In-person recording session (Can be remote if necessary)
Includes preliminary ‘story shaping session’ focused on creating a comfortable, open, generous state in which to shape your story and prepare it for sharing with others
Hard copy audio file; organized, segmented and labelled for ease and convenience of listening and navigability.
Beautifully packaged keepsake
Story Session Premium $995
Everything included with the Story Session above, plus:
Donation of a recording to someone in a care facility or without the means to afford a recording
There are — as we know — a great many elderly people who find themselves sequestered away in retirement or senior care facilities without sufficient attention, care, earnest engagement or interest. Your generous donation will go toward providing a recording for someone who lacks the family, the means or the love from the outside world to have their voice heard and their stories attended to and kept.