Why Story (Is Vital)
‘In West Africa, when a person in the village becomes sick, the Healer will ask, “When was the last time you sang? When was the last time you danced? When was the last time you shared a story?”
We already intuitively know this; sharing & shaping the story of your life is vital, life-giving, life-affirming and crucial to the full spectrum of the human experience…
The Story Ark YouTube Channel
(A collection of short clips that underscore the virtue and necessity of the Story Ark service)
How Stories Affirm Empathy, Connection And Learning (Courtesy: The Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley)
The Healing Power of Story (Courtesy: YoloCares, An Affiliate Of California Hospice Network)
Storytelling Allows Elders To Transfer Values And Meaning To Others & In Themselves (Courtesy: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada)
Storytelling And Reminiscence Has Incredibly Potent Positive Effect On Late Life Depression (Courtesy: International Journal Of Geriatric Psychiatry)
Storytelling’s Crucial Role In Healing The Individual & Family/Collective (Courtesy: National Library Of Medicine)
Storytelling Has Profound Effect On Mental & Emotional Well-being (Courtesy: International Journal Of Indian Psychology)
On Story With Storytellers
Cord Jefferson (writer on Station Eleven, The Good Place, American Fiction) beautifully encapsulates the meaning & worth of Story Ark with ‘Leave A Message’
Martin Shaw On Story As The Human Response To Uncertainty
Martin Shaw’s Telling of The Hunter & The Fox Woman
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